Service Fees


At Z Travel, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch service to our clients without burdening them with additional fees. You might be wondering how we manage to offer our services at no cost to you. Well, it's quite simple! Travel vendors such as cruise lines, hotels, and various other service providers compensate us with a commission for booking through them. Essentially, they're the ones paying us, so there's no need for us to charge you.

However, there are certain circumstances where we may choose to implement a service fee. These situations typically arise when there's extensive customization involved, frequent changes to the same vacation request, or for airline-only bookings. In these cases, we may charge a planning fee to cover the time and effort invested by our dedicated Travel Consultants. Rest assured, any such fee will be discussed with you upfront before we proceed with our services.

At Z Travel, we understand that everyone appreciates being compensated for their expertise and effort. While our goal is to provide exceptional service without additional charges whenever possible, these rare exceptions ensure that we can continue to deliver personalized and tailored experiences to each of our valued clients.